Class 12th Chapter wise Most Important MCQ's Type Questions for CBSE Board Exam

 Class 12th 

Chapter wise Most Important MCQ's Type Questions for Board Exams




 Que 1. If A and B matrices are of same order and A + B = B + A, this law is known as:

A.    distributive law

B.    commutative law

C.    associative law

D.    Cramer's law

E.     Answer.  B

 Que 2.  A pair of equations to determine the value of 2 variables is called

A.    simultaneous linear equations

B.    paired equations

C.    quadratic equations

D.    simple equations

Answer. A

 Que 3. If a matrix has equal number of columns and rows then it is said to be a

A.    row matrix

B.    identical matrix

C.    square matrix

D.    rectangular matrix

Answer. C


Que 4. If determinant of a matrix is equal to zero, then it is said to be

A.    square matrix

B.    singular matrix

C.    non-singular matrix

D.    identical matrix

Answr. B


Que 5. We can add two matrices having real numbers A and B if their

A.    order is same

B.    rows are same

C.    columns are same

D.    elements are same

Answer. A


Que 6. If the number of columns and rows are not equal in a matrix, then it is said to be a

A.    rectangular matrix

B.    square matrix

C.    diagonal matrix

D.    null matrix

Answer. A


Que 7. The methods to solve a pair of simultaneous linear equations are

A.    3

B.    2

C.    4

D.    5

Answer B


Que 8. In matrices (AB)t equals to

A.    B

B.    A

C.    At Bt

D.    Bt At  

Answer. D


Que 9. If determinant of a matrix is not equal to zero, then it is said to be

A.    non-singular matrix

B.    square matrix

C.    singular matrix

D.    identical matrix

Answer. A


Que 10. A diagonal matrix having equal elements is called a

A.    square matrix

B.    identical matrix

C.    scalar matrix

D.    rectangular matrix

Answer. C


Que 11. In matrices (A + B)t equals to

A.    At

B.    Bt

C.    At + Bt

D.    At Bt

Answer. C


Que 12. If A, B and C matrices are of same order and (A + B) + C = A + (B + C), this law is known as

A.    Cramer's law

B.    distributive law

C.    commutative law

D.    associative law

Answer. D


Que 13. If the sum of two matrices A and B is zero matrix, then A and B are said to be

A.    multiplicative inverse of each other

B.    additive inverse of each other

C.    transpose of each other

D.    determinant of each other

Answer. B


Que 14. Skew symmetric matrix is also called

A.    symmetric

B.    identical matrix

C.    square matrix

D.    anti symmetric

Answer. D


Que 15. The law which does not hold in multiplication of matrices is known as

A.    distributive law

B.    Inverse law

C.    associative law

D.    commutative law

Answer. D


Que 16. Generally the matrices are denoted by

A.    capital letters

B.    numbers

C.    small letters

D.    operational signs

Que 17. A matrix with only 1 column is called

A.    column matrix

B.    row matrix

C.    identical matrix

D.    square matrix

Que 18. We can subtract two matrices A and B if their

A.    elements are same

B.    order is same

C.    rows are same

D.    columns are same

Que 19. In matrices, the rows are denoted by

A.    A

B.    B

C.    R

D.    C

Que 20. Vertically arranged elements in a matrix are called

A.    columns

B.    rows

C.    determinants

D.    transpose

Que 21. By changing the signs of all the elements of a matrix, we obtained

A.    identical matrix

B.    negative of a matrix

C.    null/zero matrix

D.    determinant of a matrix

Ans. B


Que 22. If A and B are symmetric matrices of the same order, then

(a) AB is a symmetric matrix 

(b) A – Bis askew-symmetric matrix 

(c) AB + BA is a symmetric matrix 

(d) AB – BA is a symmetric matrix 


Answer: (c) AB + BA is a symmetric matrix


Que 23. If A is a square matrix, then A – A’ is a

(a) diagonal matrix 

(b) skew-symmetric matrix 

(c) symmetric matrix 

(d) none of these 


Ans: (b) skew-symmetric matrix


Q24. If A is any square matrix, then which of the following is skew-symmetric?

(a) A + AT 

(b) A – AT 

(c) AAT 

(d) ATA


Answer: (b) A – AT


Que25. For any square matrix A, AAT is a

(a) unit matrix 

(b) symmetric matrix 

(c) skew-symmetric matrix 

(d) diagonal matrix 


Answer: (b) symmetric matrix


Que26. If a matrix A is both symmetric and skew-symmetric, then 

(a) A is a diagonal matrix 

(b) A is a zero matrix 

(c) A is a scalar matrix 

(d) A is a square matrix 


Answer: (b) A is a zero matrix


Que27. If A2 – A + I = O, then the inverse of A is 

(a) I – A 

(b) A – I 

(c) A 

(d) A + I 

Answer: (a) I – A


Que28. Total number of possible matrices of order 3 × 3 with each entry 2 or 0 is 

(a) 9 

(b) 27 

(c) 81 

(d) 512 


Answer: (d) 512


Que29. If A is a matrix of order m × n and B is a matrix such that AB’ and B’A are both defined, then the order of matrix B is 

(a) m × m 

(b) n × n 

(c) n × m 

(d) m × n 


Answer: (d) m × n


Que30. If A and B are matrices of the same order, then (AB’ – BA’) is a 

(a) skew-symmetric matrix 

(b) null matrix 

(c) symmetric matrix 

(d) unit matrix 


Answer: (a) skew-symmetric matrix


Que31. If A is a square matrix such that A2 = I, then (A – I)3 + (A + I)3 – 7A is equal to 

(a) A 

(b) I – A 

(c) I + A 

(d) 3A 


Answer: (a) A


Que32. Question 39. If A is an m × n matrix such that AB and BA are both defined, then B is a 

(a) m × n matrix 

(b) n × m matrix 

(c) n × n matrix 

(d) m × n matrix 


Answer: (b) n × m matrix


                                   CH : 1 RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS (MCQ)


Que1. The function f : A → B defined by f(x) = 4x + 7, x  R is 

(a) one-one 

(b) Many-one 

(c) Odd 

(d) Even 


Answer: (a) one-one Question 


Que2. The smallest integer function f(x) = [x] is 

(a) One-one 

(b) Many-one 

(c) Both (a) & (b)

 (d) None of these 


Answer: (b) Many-one Question 


Que3. The function f : R → R defined by f(x) = 3 – 4x is 

(a) Onto 

(b) Not onto 

(c) None one-one 

(d) None of these 


Answer: (a) Onto


Que4. The number of bijective functions from set A to itself when A contains 106 elements is 

(a) 106 

(b) (106)2 

(c) 106! 

(d) 2106 


Answer: (c) 106!


Que5. The maximum number of equivalence relations on the set A = {1, 2, 3} are 

(a) 1 

(b) 2 

(c) 3 

(d) 5 


Answer: (d) 5


Que6. Let us define a relation R in R as aRb if a ≥ b. Then R is 

(a) an equivalence relation 

(b) reflexive, transitive but not symmetric 

(c) symmetric, transitive but not reflexive 

(d) neither transitive nor reflexive but symmetric 


Answer: (b) reflexive, transitive but not symmetric


Que7. Let A = {1, 2, 3} and consider the relation R = {(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (1, 2), (2, 3), (1, 3)}. Then R is 

(a) reflexive but not symmetric 

(b) reflexive but not transitive 

(c) symmetric and transitive 

(d) neither symmetric, nor transitive 


Answer: (a) reflexive but not symmetric


Que8. Let S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and let A = S × S. Define the relation R on A as follows: (a, b) R (c, d) iff ad = cb. Then, R is 

(a) reflexive only 

(b) Symmetric only 

(c) Transitive only 

(d) Equivalence relation 


Answer: (d) Equivalence relation


Que9. Let R be the relation “is congruent to” on the set of all triangles in a plane is 

(a) reflexive 

(b) symmetric 

(c) symmetric and reflexive 

(d) equivalence 


Answer: (d) equivalence Question 


Que10. Total number of equivalence relations defined in the set S = {a, b, c} is 

(a) 5 

(b) 3! 

(c) 23 

(d) 33 


Answer: (a) 5